Regulatory Documents

A picture of a steel transmission line tower as it would look from underneath when staring at the sky. The background fades from blue to yellow, top left to bottpm right.

Festival Hydro Inc. is regulated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) and has a duty to inform customers about any filings and regulatory matters.

Below you can find more information about filings that Festival Hydro Inc. has made, view our distributor scorecard and learn a bit more about the electricity supply in Ontario. 

If you have any questions about the information contained on this page please contact

Rate Applications

Festival Hydro Inc. submits an annual rate application to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) regarding approval of our Distribution Rates for our customers. 

Notice of Cost of Service Rate Application - Case Number EB-2024-0023

Festival Hydro Inc. has applied to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) to increase its electricity distribution rates effective January 1, 2025.

Ontario Energy Board Scorecard

Ontario's Electricity Supply Mix 2023 Data

Ontario's 2023 Electricity Facts

Please click here to view the OEB's Supply Mix & Generation.

Active Applications

OEB Case Number  

 Applications For

EB-2024-00232025 Cost of Service Application
EB-2023-00212024 Price Cap IR Application


Application Archives

OEB Case Number 

 Applications For


EB-2022-00322023 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2021-00242022 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2020-00222021 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2019-00352020 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2018-00322019 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2017-00402018 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2016-00702017 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2015-00692016 Price Cap IR Application
EB-2014-00732015 Cost of Service (COS) Application
EB-2012-0124Notice of Application for an Electricity Distribution Rate Change

Bill S-211 - Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act